‘Stars on Stage UK’ offers a fun, safe and motivational environment for children to learn skills in dance and drama.
The workshops held over the Easter and Summer school breaks offer children of 4-14 years the chance to learn the basics of singing, dancing and acting. All of the children get equal opportunities to take part in the shows and can do as little or as much as they like. The final day's performance gives the young stars an opportunity to showcase their talent, dedication and hard work in front of enthusiastic and proud parents. It is amazing to see how the children's self confidence improves over the course of the week.
The first workshop took in 2007 and since then ‘Stars on Stage UK’ has grown with shows now featuring sets, scenery and costumes: all created with the help of the young stars.
Along with the chance to broaden creative minds in a fun and friendly environment, ‘Stars on Stage UK’ provides an opportunity to make new friends from neighbouring villages.
Following on from this success and drawing on our experiences we are now pleased to offer dance classes: Shakin’ Groovers, Melody Movement® with Melody Bear® and workshops to primary schools.